Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bird Chime

We had three pine cones to hang up.......and only one hook.  And the bird chime was born.

Friday, December 4, 2015

First Snow

I should say first "real" snow....

We got enough snow that we had to shut down the front door....

The daily chore of cleaning snow off the sat dish

My helpers

And it's just getting started!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Back in the Swing of things

Finally some normalcy returning to our lives....

Fires are out and Fall is in!

Chickens are starting to lay...

the morning glories finally made it up the sign post...

Now we are headed out to collect this years fire wood!! Can't wait to cozy up in front of a fire.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Home Again, Home Again

I can't explain how good it feels to be back home....

Friday, February 14, 2014

Healthy Valentines Day!?!?

This year with Rosey being in first grade we get to celebrate her birthday at school with cupcakes!!  With Valentines day being so close, I felt the need to only sugar up those poor kids once.  I got some great ideas off Pinterest......

Crayon hearts
Finished hearts

They were pretty simple, the chopping up old broken crayons took some time...

Valentines Day Gifts

Now we have a crayon maker or two....but the idea of different shapes of crayon makes me melt!!
Finished hearts

And don't forget about snacks for the party!
Fruit Pops
Valentines Day treats

The kiwi were fighting me...
Valentines Day treats

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bird Snacks

In the winter time the wild life changes a lot in the highlands.  We see a lot less big animal, mostly just their tracks. The birds that stick around are always in luck, we have tons of native plants to provide snacks for them. But when the kids want a close up (or the cats need some entertainment) we head to the freezer for some yummy bird treats.   

I usually make these about twice a winter and that will last me the entire snow season.  I use what ever left over fruit the kids had a lunch, as well as old freezer fruit,(this photo shows apples and cranberries); bird seed; peanut butter; and what ever fat I have rendered from a previous dinner(this part is totally optional, if you use enough PB it will hold together).  Mix it all together and spread it out on baking sheet, the kids and I cut out heart shapes, but any shape will work, the left overs are shoved into a wonder bread sandwich carrier, it fits perfect into my suet cage....

Note:  We hang this close to a glass window, and by spring there is quite a large amount of seeds and PB stuck to the window, for easier clean up hang it in a tree visible from you windows.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Waiting for winter?

So I cant believe I'm saying this, but I'm missing the maybe there have been a few times where it snowed, but nothing has stuck!  We've only been here 5 years, but there has always been some snow, at least enough for a sled ride and good size snowman.  The warmer weather has also brought a rise in the creek, normally in January it's frozen solid and covered with snow.  We don't usually see a rise until April(and then my favorite, a flood in May).  I'm not sure what this means for this spring and summer, but I know the goats are LOVING it!!

And maybe I'm a little excited to see how the plants will be behaving, maybe crocus in Feb?!!?