Spring finally is in full swing after what seemed like a short and mild winter. The fruit trees are all blooming and are once again buzzing with bees. Also all the chickens are back to laying us lots of pretty eggs.
We finally got our first blue egg from our Ameraucana hens. AppleBelle was very excited since these are the hens she will be showing at the State Fair this year.
The tulips I planted last fall are beginning to bloom; and the garlic from last fall is looking like it will have a wonderful harvest.
We have decided to only grow heirloom veggies this year and ordered all our seeds from Sand Hill Preservation Center. We also will only be growing heirloom flowers, most of which we ordered from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Both of these companies sell seeds which are GMO-free, which is surprisingly getting harder to find. We will no longer support any companies that sell gene-altering seeds, mostly because of all of the dangers and unknowns that are associated with them. I will now climb down off my soap-box.