Thursday, January 8, 2009

Frozen Chickens

The whole family has had to adjust to the different weather here in Washington, but the poor chickens have had it worst of all. After a few weeks of living in the basement (which I don't recommend), they were moved outside into their coop. Two days later we got our first snow. Both the girls have been troopers. Mrs. Roper has some frostbite on her crop, but she seems fine otherwise. I had to buy a water de-icer to keep the water from freezing overnight. I also had to reinforce the sides because the neighbors mutt keeps trying to get into the coop. We are still getting eggs, although if I forget to collect them in the afternoon, they freeze. I can't wait to get goats!

1 comment:

  1. I liked ur intersts in self sufficiant liveing and House keeping
