Thursday, January 29, 2009

2009 Garden Catalogs are here!

I feel like I've been waiting months for these to arrive, and now they are finally here! I only ordered a few because I hate being bombarded with catalogs that I never order from. Now I know it would be best to just order them online, but with dial-up this slow it would take years to view a few pages. I've requested: Territorial Seed Co., Kitazawa Seed Co., Park Seed, Seeds of Change, Burpee, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and Sand Hill Preservation Center.

I'm trying not to go crazy this first year, because I know there will be a learning curve. With all this land I can't help but want one of very veggie that our family eats. I'm really excited about Kitazawa Seed Co., they sell a wide variety of our favorite Asian veggies.

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