Saturday, August 7, 2010

New kid on the Block

Today was my very first day of selling at the Okanogan Valley Farmers Market!!! I can't explain how exciting this is for me, but I'll try! For years I have wanted enough room to grow veggies to share with the public, but until our move to Washington it wasn't possible. After lots of work and time I have the garden of my dreams. I used to think that if I couldn't eat it, then I wouldn't grow it. Now that I have enough room to grow what we will eat and then some, I started adding flowers. And they are addicting!! Although I just began my love affair with flowers I have dived in head first as usual and now feel as though I am quite knowledgeable about the subject. This year I will be slowing putting my feet in the water, and plan on selling as long as I have enough bouquets. Next year I'm hoping to expand and will even be selling dried flowers and wreaths along with fresh bouquets. Wish me luck!!

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